
King bed cluster burl and walnut

File name :DSCN0039.JPG
File size :77.7KB(79597Bytes)
Date taken :2005/08/25 15:42:39
Image size :640 x 480
Resolution :300 x 300 dpi
Number of bits :8bit/channel
Protection attribute :Off
Hide Attribute :Off
Camera ID :N/A
Camera :E5900
Quality mode :N/A
Metering mode :Matrix
Exposure mode :Programmed auto
Speed light :Yes
Focal length :10.6 mm
Shutter speed :1/60.1second
Aperture :F3.2
Exposure compensation :0 EV
White Balance :N/A
Lens :N/A
Flash sync mode :N/A
Exposure difference :N/A
Flexible program :N/A
Sensitivity :N/A
Sharpening :N/A
Image Type :Color
Color Mode :N/A
Hue adjustment :N/A
Saturation Control :N/A
Tone compensation :N/A
Latitude(GPS) :N/A
Longitude(GPS) :N/A
Altitude(GPS) :N/A

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